Friday, May 24, 2013

A Criteria on one who is Seeking for Knowledge

'A Criteria on one who is Seeking for Knowledge' 
by Ustaz Zhulkeflee Ismail

I remind myself that it is 'dangerous' to think that any real teaching and learning can be done on FB. Therefore I try to understand and comply with the true definition of knowledge. Thus my advise also is that teaching and seeking knowledge must be with a 'teacher' in appropriate setting and with Adab.

What is conveyed on FB or on the internet and books are, to my understanding, are all only- ma'lumat (information), thus should never be confused with - 'ilm (knowledge). Whatever people make of these (informations) may not be the correct 'knowledge' intended by that 'aleem - only that person's (readers) assumption of it, unlike in 'face-to-face' (talaqqi) where checking and necessary clarification and confirmation is the norm.

Thus, whatever I post on FB are only sharing of 'information' - not to be misconstrued as though am teaching anybody any 'knowledge'. And the advice I've been given to myself here on FB is 'to resist all urge to teach any one here; only to share information (these are not necessarily knowledge) and to always seek refuge with Allah from it becoming the cause of any 'fitnah' or confusion from whatever postings; I pray that Allah grant us the Taufiq and to avoid and avert from us, the contentious and ignorant.

WaAllaahu a'lam

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